SummerFest Music and Arts Workshop — A Summer Camp

Feb 16, 2016 | Off the Hook Arts

SummerFest Music and Arts Workshop — A Five Day Summer Camp for Kids
July 10 – July 14, 9 – 3pm daily

Do you study an instrument? Are you still wondering what this “music thing” is all about? Whether you have been playing for years, are just a beginner, or have not yet found your musical soul mate, this is the summer music and arts program for you! More Information Here!

  • Trinity Lutheran Church, 301 Stuart Street, Fort Collins, 80525
  • Register Here!
  • Tuition $260 —- Scholarships available. Just ask. Still taking registrations. 
  • For more information visit our Program Page, contact [email protected] or call 970-305-2261.

    Whether you have been playing for years, are just a beginner or have not yet found your musical soul mate, this is the summer music and Arts program for you!  Off the Hook Arts Academy brings inspiration, intuition and imagination to kids this summer by offering a fun and educational way to learn more about themselves and the Arts. Five days of enriching musical experiences with outstanding instructors devoted to keeping you musically well-nourished and inspired. We’ve joined forces with the Northern Colorado Fiddle Strings Camp this year! Find the section of our workshop that works best for you:

    String Players:
    Traditional Track — Acclaimed teacher, on faculty at UNC and CU Boulder, violinist  Margaret Gutierrez, and Kat Fritz join us this summer to work with our classical based String Players Division. Students will be divided into three levels from a divided, multi-level Beginners class,  Intermediate and Advanced Intensive for those students in Book 5 and up. Both solo, large ensemble and fiddling will be part of the String Players day as well as a Master Class for our advanced students. We welcome violin, viola and cello students this year as we expand our program for this week of music.

    Fiddle Track — Local favorites, fiddlers Vi Wickam and Cody Stadelmaier bring a mixture of fiddle tunes and improvisation that always gets the creative juices going! If you want to study a fiddle as the only music that you do during the week, then the Fiddle Track is the one for you

    Open to children ages 8 – 18, technique and musicality is addressed —but you’ll be having too much fun to notice. The daily schedule for String Players, whether Traditional or Fiddle Track, includes Music Repertoire, Large Ensemble, Theatre, Dalcroze and Master Class (Advanced Intensive). Repertoire for advanced preparation may be required closer to June. 

    Music Explorers: Integral Steps is excited to present a multifaceted Integrative Arts Adventure with Off the Hook Arts SummerFest from July 10-14, 2017. Each day will combine kinesthetic learning through music and movement (Dalcroze Eurhythmics), performance through theater arts, and expressive learning through fine arts and theater design. We will celebrate themes of social justice and human rights through the magical world of Harry Potter, we will explore the theater arts through the lens of Hogwarts, Spell Casting class, sorting each student into their own Wizarding House, and even designing our own posters and banners focusing on the themes of equality, compassion, and fairness.

    The world of Harry Potter and Hogwart’s is coming to Integral Steps! We will be having Spell casting classes, Sorting each student into their own Wizarding House: Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, or Slytherin. Also, we will be helping our friends, the house elves, who are seeking equality and dignity. In an original play based on J.K. Rowling’s beloved Harry Potter books, students will perform scenes and songs in the final performance.

    Artists will be inhabiting the magical world of Harry Potter, working with a variety of techniques and materials to create images, masks and props for the student performance. Additionally, in the spirit of S.P.E.W., (Society for the Promotion of Elfish Welfare), artists will design and create their own protest posters and banners focusing on the themes of rights, privileges, equality, compassion and fairness.